Home Remodeling and Renovations Near You in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Gaithersburg is divided into east and west sections, separated by Interstate 270. The eastern section of the city is older and original. Landmarks and buildings from that time can still be seen, especially in Olde Town. The west side of the city has many wealthier neighborhoods, designed with smart growth techniques and embracing New Urbanism. From Kentlands to The Rio, all the way back to Olde Town, residents all over Gaithersburg call Glickman Design Build. For basement remodeling, home remodeling, home renovations, bathroom remodeling, bathroom renovations, kitchen remodeling, kitchen renovations, custom bathroom remodeling, custom kitchen remodeling, and condominium remodeling, call Glickman Design Build.
Universal Design for Aging-in-Place
We use universal design concepts, enhancing the lives of everyone, all the time. At Glickman Design Build, we have a well-defined process that starts from the initial consultation through completion of construction. Our team of remodeling professionals will take the time up front to explain exactly what will happen when and make sure all of your questions are answered along the way.
Gaithersburg is located in the heart of Montgomery County and is home to many high-tech headquarters. Established in 1878, Gaithersburg has grown from an agrarian community to an award-winning neo-traditional urban city. With just over 64,000 residents located in the heart of Montgomery County, Gaithersburg is one of the largest cities in Maryland. In Gaithersburg, you’ll find an excitingly diverse population living in a mixture of housing types in warm, welcoming neighborhoods. Gaithersburg combines a respect for its heritage, demonstrated by the revitalization efforts in our Olde Towne residential and commercial district, with thoughtful planning for new communities.
That’s why Glickman Design Build has made our home here, where our design philosophies embrace revitalization and thoughtful planning. Gaithersburg residents call Glickman Design Build for sunroom, patios, and decks that not only grant convenience and livability now, but are designed with longevity in mind. If you want the outdoor desk installation you’ve always wanted, contact Glickman Design Build and let us plan and construct it for you!
Gaithersburg Remodeling Services
As we age, one of our biggest challenge areas becomes getting around in the bathroom. Maybe you are experiencing plumbing issues, and you need a professional to help you sort out the construction mess. Perhaps the layout no longer works for you, or it is simply time for an update. Regardless of the reason, a bathroom update is one of the most popular projects today. At Glickman Design Build, we use universal design concepts to create spaces where all people at all times can be comfortable. From renovating a shower from a tub to a walk-in and adding handles to lowering sinks and medicine cabinets to accommodate wheelchairs, we can modify your home to your mobility needs.
Contact us today to speak with our expert designers about your next home remodeling project.