The Addition. Every Step of the Process
No other remodeling project creates as much space, costs as much, or takes as much time as a home addition. Yet, an addition is the one house alteration that most people want usually because they need the extra space and adding on allows them to stay in their current home rather than buying a bigger one.
Most homeowners complete an addition by hiring a remodeling contractor like Glickman|Design Remodel Build. But that doesn’t mean the owners are hands-off. On the contrary; homeowners need to be involved with every step of the process to make informed decisions and ensure the work meets their expectations. To prepare for a home addition, it can help to view the project as a giant step-by-step project.
We strongly encourage you to consider in advance many of the features that you envision for your remodel. We’ve listed some of the considerations and general tips that we’ve found help to homeowners to complete a successful and beautiful home addition.
What You may want/need in your addition
Foundation materials
Exterior siding finishes
Plumbing fixtures
Lighting fixtures
HVAC system
Windows and doors
Interior floor, wall, and ceiling finishes
Cabinets or other built-ins
Roofing and gutters
Paint and other finish materials
Determine the Budget and Scope
Know the scale of your project. A home addition is just like building a house and involves designing, budgeting, permits, contractors and subcontractors, and building the structure from the ground up. It’s important to be prepared for the work involved and to be realistic about your budget.
Secure Funding
Most homeowners cannot pay for full additions in cash. Thus, a loan or line of credit is needed. This usually involves obtaining a home equity loan, second mortgage, or line of credit depending on the amount of equity, or value, that your home has.
Getting the Contractor
Everything hinges on finding a good contractor that you can work with. At Glickman we encourage you to get real, from-the-gut recommendations from neighbors, friends, or relatives about us and other contractors in the region. We want you confident, comfortable, and encouraged as we go into this process together.
Remember, this job is too big for you to contract out on your own unless you have professional experience and ample time. In our first meeting we will establish the scale of the project, our timeframe, general design issues, and cost-saving strategies. Please know that you can ask us about options for controlling costs during the process.
Work with our designers
While some contractors can design your addition or can work from stock addition plans, we at Glickman pride ourselves in our Design/Build capability. Our projects are unique and completely customized to your needs and vision.
The Process
Here just a few items that Glickman| Design remodel Build handles in the creation of you addition
The paperwork
We will obtain permits and will be required to post the approved permits in a visible spot on your property.
Build the Foundation
The addition may get a full-scale foundation, just like a new house. Depending on the plans, the crew will begin pouring a concrete slab or excavating for a crawlspace or basement, followed by pouring concrete footers and foundation walls.
Frame the Structure
As soon as the foundation concrete is cured, the floors, walls, and roof are framed. One day, you come home from work and, suddenly, your addition has two, three, or even four walls up. The framing—the home’s skeletal structure—goes up fairly quickly. In some cases, some of the framing is even constructed off-site.
Add the Sheathing and Roofing
Wall sheathing and roofing are necessary to protect all work that will come after. Wall sheathing panels are installed quickly and typically are covered with house wrap on the outside of the panels
Install Windows and Doors
New windows and doors are installed. Like the roof and exterior walls, they further button up the structure and keep it weathertight for subsequent work. We describe the building as being “dried-in” after this stage, meaning the interior is protected from the elements.
Rough-In the Electrical, Plumbing, and HVAC
Crucial services, like electrical, plumbing, and heating/cooling are “roughed-in,” meaning the behind-the-scenes elements like pipes, wiring, and ductwork are installed.
Add Insulation and Drywall
With the addition of insulation and drywall, the project is beginning to look like a real structure. Insulation may be one or more of many different types, including standard fiberglass, sprayed foam, and blown-in cellulose. Drywall is a multi-stage process: hanging the sheets, “mudding” the seams with wet drywall compound, letting that compound dry, and then sanding the seams.
Finish the Interior
Flooring and cabinetry are installed, and ceilings and walls are painted. The flooring might be installed before paint is applied, or paint may come first. Usually, it is a toss-up as to which is the more effective method (in terms of cleanliness), so this is often dictated by scheduling.
Make the Final Connections
Plumbers, electricians, and HVAC installers put in their fixtures and equipment and make the final service connections. However, some of this work, like setting up heat and water supply for the building, may be done before the interior is finished.
Complete the Punch List
A punch list is a record of the miscellaneous items left to be done. Many of these are finishing touches that had to wait for other work or were simply missed in the process. It’s at this stage where we will work together to make sure all the fine details are completed to your satisfaction.
How to get started turning your house into an accessible home.
We encourage you to research, ask your friends and family and noodle a bit over how you would enhance your home to truly make it “Your Home For Life”. Then call
Glickman |Design Remodel Build. We’ve been helping homeowners just like yourself in the DMV for over 40 years with creative design and premium quality construction.
Please contact us or call us at the numbers below.
Maryland: (301) 444-4663
Virginia: (703) 832-8159
Washington, DC: (202) 792-7320